Sebastien needs no sleep
Actually that isn't entirely true - he does need around eight to nine hours a night and also enjoys a two hour nap in the afternoon. But ever since he was born he has refused to have nice "straight-through-the-night" sleeps. Unlike his sister who lulled us into a false sense of security by sleeping through the night at six weeks old.
We've been trying to get Sebastien and Alex onto a schedule - with Alex, we need her to get up by 6.30am so she is ready to head to school by 7.30am. This is difficult because the girl LOVES her bed! She sleeps through from 7.30pm - 6.30am.
Sebastien, on the other hand, regularly awakens at 5am...and sneaks into our bed. Most times we get up and kick him back to his own bed "Sebastien, you have to wait for the alarm [to get up/out of bed]" is heard. Here's one occasion where he managed to snooze with Daddy until 6.30am.
I might add that it wouldn't be so bad except that the kid does not keep still!! That and he likes to shove his hands under Daddy's chin and into his windpipe.
The morning usually ends with Sebastien bringing a story to bed and us grudgingly getting up.
In an effort to get him to sleep longer, and Alex to wake up in time, the bedtime is Alex first and then Sebastien about an hour later. So Sebastien enjoys watching some clips on You Tube during this time. Favourites include "Super Why" (note Donita, no longer "Pooper Why"), "Word World", "Thomas the Tank Engine" television episodes but he also really likes the videos of people re-creating Thomas the Tank Engine episodes with their own train sets.
Having an alarm kind of works - they do recognise it and act when it goes off (we use it for many things: shower times, play times, dinner times, leave for school times...) . But I think we need a digital clock in their room because they have no understanding of waiting for the alarm and how long that would be. We'll see.
1 comment:
I have some friends who have 2 kids and they put a a digital clock in the kids' bedroom. If they wake before the number 7 is showing, they have to play qietly in their own room. They can come and wake muum & dad up when the 7 appears. It might work.
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