Tuesday 22 June 2010

More homework

The main problem with homework sent home is: there is no due date on the note!

Each time I get a note at the bus stop I immediately check it for any dates as that is our first clue when something is happening/due (sometimes tomorrow!) This has led Mummy to "save" a stack of newspapers, magazines, toiletpaper rolls, and other miscellaneous rubbish that otherwise would have been thrown out - just in case we have something that needs to be done overnight.

Sometimes, when we can't get a straight answer on the due date from other parents (our fault in the Chinese elocution) we simply ask Alex whether anyone has brought the homework into school yet.

And so it was that over another long weekend we had to have Alex create her "map" of the way to school. Tied in with their discussion about buildings and construction apparently. So Daddy and Alex sat down to work it out together. The map needed to show how she gets from A (home) to B (school) and show a few buildings that she passes on the way.

Here they are searching for appropriate pictures.
Daddy had her draw the map and then she had to cut it out and glue it to the homework page.
And here is the finished product! Now I'm not going to mention that the next day, after Mummy had carefully rolled it up and zip locked it into a bag so it wouldn't get wet on the bike ride to school, Daddy had taken it for "safe keeping" and ... it had fallen out of his rain jacket pocket on the way to school...somewhere.

Oops. I guess I should tell you then, that Daddy retraced his path after dropping Alex off at the bus-stop and eventually found it - just outside our apartment building! Phew - homework got there the next day, with Alex holding onto it the entire way.

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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia