Since we live where we live, we try to get out to the beach as early as we can in the morning (which is usually around 9am on the sand) and stay until around 11am then head back to the cave. Or we go the other way and head to the beach after Sebastien's nap (usually around 3.3pm) and stay until it gets too cold or windy. Inevitably it seems that we end up there on weekends - when everyone else is too. Not usually a problem elsewhere, but as Xiamen is a destination for domestic tourism we have many mainland Chinese who haven't seen a beach...and then haven't seen a little foreign girl or boy, especially ones with blond hair and blue eyes...or who get around in a real actual swimsuit! Of course, there are always others - such as this dog who has had his ears and tail dyed. This is not the first time I've seen this here in China.
Alex has taken to building sandcastles and decorating them recently with her beach finds.
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