Now that we've been in China almost two years, some of the students who have helped us during this time are graduating. Cameron and Ivy are but two of them. We met up with them at the Lantern Festival, after we grabbed something to eat. They still have theses to complete but June is the deadline. We managed to see most of the displays we had missed last time and spend some time chatting - though Alex came away with quite the graze and bruise on her arm when she slipped and fell while running - lesson learnt.
Alex got to ride high this time around. Both Alex and Sebastien were taken by the street sellers' displays. Cameron and Ivy brought gifts for Alex and Sebastien too - special things for the New Year. Cameron and Ivy are pretty taken by Alex and Sebastien - and more than a little intrigued by the "five-four-three-two-one" countdown for time-out. They even tried it out on Sebastien when he was heading around the back of the display where the electrical cords are - and all they earned was a cheeky backwards grin. I told them it's all in the tone of the voice! They plan to practice, hee hee.
We plan to catch up with them a few more times before they leave town.
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