It came and went - and we believe all went well. The report that came home with her this evening is all ticks except for one thing which has a chinese character in it - which we worked out was whether she'd gone to the toilet, which she hadn't...have to work on those squat toilets! Plus she was happy to be home, but was excited to be going back to school tomorrow.
Here she is outside our apartment - the orange ribbon on her chest is for the busdriver to identify which stop she gets on/off at - plus it has her name and our phone numbers on it.

We all took the bus together - though Sebastien and I were getting off a little earlier than Brett and Alex as we were going to the outdoor market. It's 7am and sticky.
Brett took this photo of the market as the bus pulled away - it's all the way along this street and the vendors have set themselves up in the street - even though cars etc still try to get through. It was, an experience! Something for another post.
Meanwhile, Alex and Brett had walked up to the Western Gate and were waiting for the school bus (it only goes around the campus).
You can just make out her shirt getting onto the bus.
Sitting in her seat - she was one of the first on as the youngest get to board first.
Because this is how crowded the bus gets!
Then home again tonight - Brett picked her up at the bus stop and they then bussed home on the city bus. Alex had a red flower on her ribbon plus a sticker so she must have behaved nicely.

Here she is outside our apartment - the orange ribbon on her chest is for the busdriver to identify which stop she gets on/off at - plus it has her name and our phone numbers on it.
WOW! I'm nervous enough watching Evie get on a school bus with just a few kids on it.. something about having someone else drive my kid somewhere.. I'm amazed that she gets on and off of the bus at the right place! Way to go, Alex! We miss you, sweety!
Well done Alexandra. So much confidence in one so young and such a long day for a little girl. I cannot wait until you visit us so that you can tell me all about it. We love you heaps
Alex looks very stoic about it all. You all seem well. Glad you made it safely!
I am completely amazed how settled you all look living in such a different environment than you are use to. Everything would seem so new and exciting, but intimidating at the same time. I'm certainly not one brave enough for that. I found it difficult enough talking to 4 visiting Japanese students recently, without having to live it every day. Bravo to everyone! You guys are amazing!!!
Wow - I can't even imagine what this is like...What an amazing time you must all be having - and what a spunk Sebastien is! I am in awe of you all....Can't wait to see you all at James & Clare's wedding..
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