Monday 1 September 2008

4th July

Our first 4th July celebrations were back in 2005 - with a four-month old Alex.

The next two years we happened to be travelling (Canada each time) so our next July 4th celebrations were in 2008 - with a three-year old Alex and a nine-month old Sebastien.

But as we now had a preschooler to enjoy the parade more, Brett decided to join in with a
bike group he knew of.

On the morning of the parade (that started at around 1pm), f irst comes the (de)construction->

Then the re-construction->

And onto the parade!

We saw some cool ways to transport your kids and assorted coolers/chairs etc - using wagons (with and without canopies).The start of the parade with the fire-engines hanging the flag over the road.People started to line the streets early - but we still managed to squeeze into a shady spot on the corner of Lincoln and Florida - the same place we'd been three years before.One of the groups has all kinds of ways to get around the parade - here are just a few: There were quite a few fire companies - and the main thing seemed to be the water pistol attacks waged by kids from the side of the road - with retaliation by the firies (albeit with much
smaller arsenal than they'd usually use).
Plenty of marching bands - at least 3 - kept the kids amused. No candy was allowed to be thrown this year.Then came the bike group - quite a bit later (almost at the end of the 2+ hour parade):
Alex had a great time - she even saw a couple of people she knew on the parade route - and Sebastien and I had a good time too - here he is after his quick nap:

1 comment:

Tina said...

We saw Brett and Alex on the parade route :o)

Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia