Monday 1 September 2008

Sebastien at NINE months

First here's Alex at nine months with her circle of friends - December 2005.
Next here's Sebastien with his circle of friends - June 2008.And the two of them together.

Vital statistics: Length 27 inches (13th %), Weight 19 pounds 1.5 ounces (26th %), and Head Circumference 45.5 inches (56th %)

Compared with Alex: Who was known as "little buddha" because her weight was up in the 80-90%.

He has been comfortably walking holding onto two hands (fingers actually) but knows that he can crawl to get there faster - so often drops to his bottom and crawls. He knows that the front door leads to the outside world so as soon as it's open he makes a break for it. He has been sleeping through the night (7.30pm - 5.30am) alleluliah! But has to cry himself to sleep for daytime naps (unless we're in the car). He has three bottom teeth. He says Mamama indiscriminately and babbles away - especially to his sister. He is up before she is, and if her door is left open, will power-crawl in looking for her, no matter what time of morning.

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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia