Is there volume control?
It seems that Sebastien is a more...hands on baby than Alex was. Needing to be held as much as possible, suffering from incredible gas pains (even using Mylicon) and sleeping maybe 45 minutes for his naps (wanting to be held all the rest of the time) and (seemingly) only eight hours (in two hour bursts) at night. Sometimes we've had to just lie him down and walk away - at least for ten minutes or so, to regroup. Last week, I had to take this photo of him mid-scream as so many people say what a happy baby he least in public! I was tempted to take video, but didn't think that the sound would be all that hot. Alex has been pretty good, trying to entertain Sebastien if he's fussing and before he starts crying, but even she has her limits.
Here's Alex, having tried to placate her brother with the firefly go.
Ahhh.. I know those moments.. Eve tries her hardest to help as well.. I love the picture of the two of your babies together.. so sweet
Nah...can't see it! He still looks happy! (We are pulling your leg) We all need to be held once in a while and those who get it more often - well done! Apart from not being able to do a whole lot, I can see how you can't resist holding that little cutie!
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