Tuesday 16 June 2009

Sebastien at FIFTEEN months!

No official doctor visit to work out stats so a comparison is in order - if only for nostalgic reasons. For Alex, fifteen months was June 2006 whilst for Sebastien it was December 2008. The most obvious difference is the amount of hair either of them had - pretty amazing to me.

Alex was still sleeping in the pack'n play - and hadn't yet worked out how to climb out of it. Sebastien was sleeping on a mattress on the ground in China but we were visiting Australia so it was a pack'n play for him too - and he hadn't worked out climbing either.Alex and her Council of friends at 15 months:Sebastien and his Council of friends (and sister) at 15 months:Both apparently have fetishes - Alex's was shoesSebastien's is cars (though shoes will come in the next quarter year).Alex spent time as a singleton with Mummy and Daddy - and was a great helper whether with the shopping or the crossword.But Sebastien has little interest in helping unless it is to bring a book for him to be read.
For both this was their last time in the carrier - Alex in Alaska Sebastien even got to ride on the back - Sebastien in Xiamen China.Alex was more of an accomplished walker by now - Sebastien is still finding his feet. Alex was not interested in climbing (except for the 29 steps to our apartment) whereas Sebastien is up and off!Both of them prefer "real" books to board books.Verbally, Alex was using more american sign language by now - we were reading board books that reinforce that. Sebastien hasn't had that exposure. Sebastien is still a clingy child comparatively speaking. Where Alex was happy to go with whomever, Sebastien still prefers Mamma. Neither of them had a pacifier but Alex at this age still had "cloth" and took cloth with her where-ever she went if possible.

And now for some video:

I think I'll do another walk down memory lane next quarter.

Here's Alex walking and the Sebastien climbing.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Love it! I am constantly amazed at how different my two are. Never a dull moment :)

Boys & cars, must be universal.

Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia