Christmas Day evening was pizza at Pizza Hut - in house and not da bao as I said in the previous post. We had enough to keep the two occupied until the pizza came as the restaurant is r.e.a.l.l.y s.l.o.w... We rarely eat pizza - we like to save it for when we have visitors over. Sebastien has this way of hugging his Daddy where he is, in effect, giving him an uppercut, so here Brett gets in first.When we got home it was around 7.30pm so we did a little present opening the following morning. Some of us couldn't wait to get dressed before checking it all out.We did manage to get in touch with Australia and chat with family - who saw the two kids open various presents. This was nice for everybody. My favourite?
Check this out:
March 2007 - Alex is two and she decides all the underwear she got for presents go on at once (by the way, those silver shoes just fit her this past year - 2010 - and then broke).December 2009 - Sebastien is two and he decides that all the underwear he got for presents go on at once.Moreover, they double as hats.Merry Christmas!
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