Wednesday 19 May 2010

Bedtime stories and reading skills

As part of our ongoing "homeschooling" of Alex and shortly Sebastien - specifically in English - we have Alex read to one of us before we read her her own bedtime story. We certainly have made good use of all those "board books". It's not ideal, but it gives her an idea of how the whole "sound it out" thing works. She's also pretty happy when she recognises words. If we were in a country that had English as its official language then there would be English words everywhere for her to sound out and read. Here, not so much. This is particularly evident to Mummy who currently has Sebastien seeking every "P" for parking sign he can find - as he has the alphabet down pretty well. So here is a photo of Daddy reading to them both before bedtime.

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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia