Monday 19 May 2008

School Week Eight - no, wait....

Um, somewhere I've made an error and made two posts out of one week of school...
So, it's actually Week Seven this week (Alex started school on 31st March) - sorry.

So this week saw quite a bit of art come home: caterpillars (the sparkles were glued to the bodies until they reached the car-ride home), Alex's body outline, some grass in a personally decorated pot, and a drawing (Alex calls it her map).

The WILL (local radio/tv channel) reading mentors returned for the last time to the classroom and Alex came home with The Little Red Hen storybook and a DVD about reading.

On Tuesday Alex got her wish of riding in a school bus! The class visited the U of I's greenhouse

It also saw Mummy volunteer in class one morning. Very interesting to see what they get up to - and how Alex acts at preschool (though I know that the very fact I was there changed that). I checked out the small groups list and was amused to see Alex listed there - take a look and see what you think (leave me a comment).

This is where Alex sits during "circle/big group time".

Alex must have enjoyed my being there as she has since asked me whether I would be able to come
back "and stay" again. We'll see, it required Brett staying home to look after Sebastien for the morning.
Point of interest: when I volunteered, I spent some time in the playground with the class. They found a snake in a built-up planter and were all standing around, poking their fingers into it to try to coax it first instinct was to say "stay away from the snake" - being from Australia where more often than not, a snake was venomous. Luckily Alex didn't see what was happening so I didn't need to talk with her about not going near any snakes - because China has venomous snakes too! for a fieldtrip.

Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia