...so I decided that she needed a haircut to remove that possibility and also for the heat of summer. So after I collected her from pre-school this afternoon, we headed off to the hairdresser. Whilst initially happy/excited to have her hair cut, once we were there and waiting, she said she wanted to sit on my knee to have it cut - something I didn't want to happen as that's how it was cut the last time and it was quite awkward. So I convinced her that if she sat in the big girl chair then I'd let her take a photo at the end.
Here she is waiting her turn.
She was very interested to watch the two blokes having their hair cut while she waited - especially when she heard the electric clippers buzzing.
Then she was in the chair, getting a "ride" in her sea-cape.
Sebastien waited very patiently the whole time - must have been sufficient traffic to keep him amused.
Then the cutting began. It was the same hairdresser who had done my haircut in the morning.
I have no reason to include this photo other than it is cute - she is showing me a "fish face".
Her favorite parts (aside from the chair-ride) were having the clip in her hair and having it blowdried at the end - at least, they are the parts that were recounted to Daddy.
The finished product.
And for being such a good client - looking down when asked, holding her head straight and not squirming - she was "suitably" rewarded.
Um, oh yes. And that photo that I promised she could take? Well here it is:
Oh now that is a sweet haircut!!!!!!! What a doll! I love it!!
That salon looks way more fancy than the one I go to - Alex is a very lucky girl!
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