Tuesday 20 May 2008

Meme of Five

So I read on Shannon's blog about this meme and thought "Why not?!"
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read the player's blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer.

What were you doing five years ago?

Hmm, let me think - five years ago was 2003. So I was in Geneva, Switzerland. Having originally gone to visit Brett and travel onto the USA when he started his PhD, I ended up staying almost a year to work in the UN - breaking my shoulder skiing and ending up with a frozen shoulder! I think that's about it...

What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order)?

1. Update the blog.
2. Cook three quiches.
3. Wash-up
4. Sort through books on bookshelf for donation/throw/keep piles.
5. Try out "CVS-ing".

What are five snacks you enjoy?

1. Chips- actually I think I just crave salt.
2. Mint chocolate chip icecream.
3. Mango - preferably not dried - nothing beats a Bowen mango but it's a little messy.
4. Cashew nuts - actually pretty much any nut except peanuts.
5. Jen's shortbread cookies.

What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?

1. Um, duh! Invest sufficient $$ to ensure it's not a fleeting richness and hence live off the income for the rest of my life.

2. Buy a house in Switzerland - actually, two, a chalet in the Alps and a house in Geneva. Buy a house in Australia. Buy a house in the USA. Maybe buy a house in China...

3. Not advertise the fact that I was a billionaire - I have heard so many stories about lottery winners being bugged forever about donating money. I'd prefer to donate money on the quiet as and when I want to whom I decide - actually, this is one of the reasons I get frustrated with non-profits soliciting over the phone.

4. Make sure the people I love were looked after - no handouts but be there if and as needed.

5. Similar to Shannon, I would fly family and friends to one location once a year to have a get-together.

What are five of your bad habits?

1. Not taking care of my skin.
2. Relying on caffeine and sugar to get through the past 7 month sleepless situation - though now Sebastien is sleeping 7pm-5am I guess I don't have an excuse.
3. Not making time to exercise.
4. Perfectionism sometimes means I never get to do something for fear of failure (wait, is that two?)
5. Staying up late (when Sebastien is guaranteed to rise at 5am) using the computer.

What are five places where you have lived?

1. Armidale, NSW, Australia
2. Canberra, ACT, Australia
3. Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
4. Urbana, Illinois, USA
5. Xiamen, Fujian, China (OK, technically I haven't lived there - yet - but I thought it was appropriate. Plus, although born, and living for two years, in Sydney, NSW, Australia - I wanted to add China instead).

What are five jobs you've had?

1. Darrell Lea shop assistant
2. Accounts Officer
3. Business Manager for University Residence Halls
4. Data entry operator for TAB, UNCTAD
5. Mum

Tag - no-one specifically as it'd be interesting to read about all of you, so answer in my comments if you don't have a blog, or post a comment linking your blog if you post it there!

1 comment:

Heather said...

OK, I'll be the first to bite :)

What was I doing 5 years ago? I was living in Hoboken, NJ living the swinging single life (my, how life has changed!!!)

5 things on my to do list for today: clean, pack for MI, job hunt, apartment hunt, & playgroup

5 snacks I enjoy are potato chips, English toffee, pizza, Godiva chocolate, & Zone bars (I have to say that!!)

If I was a billionaire...I would buy my mom a house on the Lake, secure each of my children's education, secure my retirement (& Ben's), donate a bundle to the AHA, & make sure that I did something fun with all my family & friends twice a year.

5 bad habits I have are lack of patience, perfectionism & high expectations, low self-esteem (sometimes), poor body image, and lack of motivation for diet & exercise.

5 places I have lived: Grand Rapids, MI; Hoboken, NJ; Chicago, IL; Urbana, IL; and soon to be New York City, NY

5 jobs I've had...shoe salesperson, cater/waiter, auditor, stay-at-home mom (definitely the hardest!!),...we'll see what NY brings :)

Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia