Thursday, 1 May 2008

First Dentist Visit

Alex had her first dental visit this past week. All good, she went in by herself and "had a ride on the chair". She had a good visit, getting in a fluoride treatment but baulked at the xrays they wanted to take (apparently this is standard in the US?) so we'll do that next time. She was a very happy camper, coming home with her bag of:
  1. A Winnie the Pooh and Tigger sticker
  2. A Snowwhite Princess toothbrush (now opened and being used)
  3. A trial-sized tube of bubblegum flavoured toothpaste (which she is super excited about having)
Never mind that she's never tasted bubblegum so has no idea why it's a "great" flavour - they sing a song about sticky bubblegum at preschool and that, apparently, is enough!

Anyway, next visit in 6 months!

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