Thursday 8 May 2008

Going, going, gone

My friends have been making not-so-subtle comments about my lack of haircut - you see, it was me who said that I would be getting my haircut short for the summer - and that, after all, it's only hair! So with three of them having had their hair cut...I was struggling to find time (and a hairdresser) to have mine done. Well, today was the day! Brett stayed home this morning and after I dropped Alex off at school, I "walked in" to a hairdresser and had it chopped off. I had heard a little about Locks of Love but had been told that they had strict requirements about treated hair and % of grey which ruled me out. But that's not true!! So 10 inches came off - and I got a free haircut out of it!

Sebastien just woke up and wasn't sure what was on my head - he's only ever known me with my hair in a ponytail or braid - and even after smiling at me and "talking", his eyes kept searching my head. Wonder what Alex will say?


Chelle said...

I LOVE it! Even though I can't see it from the front, the colour & layering looks great.
About time too - you've been wanting a shorter cut for as long as you've been in the States...

Donita said...

YAHOO! You did it! Now you can be part of the "group". hee

Tina said...

It looks amazing!! And what does Donita mean about being part of the "group"? Did Donita have HER hair cut?

Unknown said...

OK. No one else has said anything so I guess it's up to me to be the non-subtle one. Show us a picture of the front! That is so typical of you Lys. By the time we see you again it will have grown long and we'll miss out!

Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia