Later that afternoon, after congratulating ourselves on how well Sebastien was doing, we heard a CRASH followed by screams and crying from Sebastien in the living room. We believe that he'd fallen off the couch and landed on a delicate area of his anatomy...when we checked his nappy we found what we thought was a concerning amount of bright red blood and Mummy was worried that if he'd damaged his surgery area, we needed to act swiftly to mitigate any longterm damage. So we called the surgeon who was available to chat with us. Such a lovely fellow who good-humouredly assured Mummy that even if he'd popped stitches, he wouldn't be able to see until the dressing came off (scheduled for tomorrow) and that any repair wouldn't be able to be undertaken until several months down the track. Phew - obviously used to dealing with over anxious parents - er Mummys! We were also keen to hear what the surgeon had to say about Sebastien's dressing - despite our best efforts to keep the inner nappy dry, the dressings had experienced some urine overflow.
And so we tried to relax - Sebastien seemed to have recovered and there was no further blood. We went and enjoyed dinner at Aunty Chelle and Uncle B's house - after all, we needed to re-introduce ourselves to Bruce and Anika, our favoured puppy pals! We had to have an early night though as we were due back at the hospital for a 7am admission - sigh.
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