Although there were different kids in today's class, Alex still had a ball and loved her new "teachers" as well. All too soon we were headed off to the hospital to see how Daddy and Sebastien had enjoyed their night and work out whether we'd be in there another night.
We arrived to Yikes! Sebastien had been discharged mid-way through our gym class and so Daddy and Sebastien (along with Chelsea, Kalan and Aunty Annie who were visiting) had adjourned to the playroom to wait for us. Phew!After letting the kids play - we headed to Aunty Annie's place again for some more playtime. First we stopped off at the hospital pharmacy for Sebastien's drugs. They obviously did the trick because he was non-stop smiles! Of course, finally getting out of that cot could have had something to do with that. His sister just wanted to be the one to push his stroller - she was so pleased that he was leaving the hospital.
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