Saturday 5 September 2009

Sebastien has his operation

Mummy and Daddy were relieved that Alex was able to spend some time at Uncle Pip and Aunty Lyndall's house. They knew that with a 7am admission time at The Canberra Hospital (30 minutes south) they would be having an early start and a long day. Sebastien was fasting - which meant no breastfeeding when he was woken up to get in the car. Not a happy boy. The only reason he was still enjoying nursing was because Mummy thought it would be a good way to comfort him after the operation - Alex had been weaned at 18 months and he was now almost 22 months.

Admission was relatively easy - but the waiting wasn't. Thank goodness for Thomas and friends - oh and tv! An emergency neonatal surgery had come up and Sebastien's operation had been put back. The surgeon juggled his schedule to try to fit us in that day - otherwise we would have to come back another day. Sebastien was still fasting - and hassling Mummy for some milk - so Daddy took him into the Captain Starlight playarea of the ward to watch dvds and read books. He fell asleep late in the morning - his usual time - so the nurses decided not to put a fluid IV in. He was still fasting.Finally at 2.30pm we were able to head upstairs to the theatre area. The wardsman wheeled the cot and Mummy carried Sebastien. He was still waking up. The surgeon was astonished that an IV hadn't been put in considering how long he hadn't had anything to eat or drink. Mummy put on the visitor scrubs and took Sebastien into the theatre for the anaesthetic. At first the had her hold Sebastien on her shoulder while they directed the gas mask at his face. He didn't like that so he kept switching shoulders - so it was time to hold him on the operating table. He didn't like that and struggled against the mask on his face which was distressing to watch - even though Mummy knew what to expect. Then it was time to leave him in their hands for the next three hours and hope that this first time under a general anaesthetic would go without a hitch.

Mummy and Daddy went to a nearby mall to have a coffee and distract themselves. They were thankful that Aunty Lyndall and Uncle Pip were happy to continue to play with Alex until late that night - apparently the "Craft-ernoon" was going well. They were shocked to get a phone call on their mobile phone after an hour (the sending number was blocked) but glad when it turned out to be Aunty Chelle checking on how things were going - phew!

Sebastien was out of surgery at 5.30pm and Mummy went in to Recovery to nurse him once he was awake enough. His IV had been put into his foot. By 6.15pm we were cleared to head down to the ward so Mummy and Sebastien, who was still nursing, were wheeled down in a wheelchair by the recovery nurse and the wardsman brought the cot. Daddy was spending the night at the hospital as Mummy was taking Alex to gymnastics class in the morning and then coming to the hospital. Sebastien was very sleepy and just wanted to be held - though he was also a fan of the juice box. Mummy left to collect Alex by 7pm - she interrupted her having a delicious dinner and was shown all the lovely crafty things she had done with Aunty Lyndall that day. Then Mummy and Alex went home - and Alex kindly kept Mummy company in her big bed because she didn't want Mummy to be lonely...and Mummy didn't mind one bit!


Lisa Dunick said...

So glad that everything went well!

Tina said...

AWWW! What a sweet baby!!!!

The Atkisson Family said...

I am glad that things went well- and that it is over for him/you. Poor little guy!

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