Alex and tumbling
We knew that we were going to be in Canberra for a month - which also coincided with the winter school holidays - so we wanted to see what classes we could sign Alex up for to keep her amused, and her parents sane. We also knew that Sebastien would be in hospital for a few days and wanted Alex to have her own activity to do.
Ever since she watched the Illini gymnastics she has wanted to dance, summersault and tumble - and so we started a three morning gymnastics class. It was more a PR event for the gym club to get semester classes filled but all we wanted was some activity for Alex and for her to have a class in english before we (hopefully) find one in China. We were a little late the very first day having underestimated the driving time however she warmed to her class and teacher in a short time and enjoyed the activities on the various apparatus (too much action for my little camera to capture properly unfortunately)
At the end of each class the participants received a participation certificate - much loved by all! Alex commented that her gym teachers were not like her chinese teachers - ie they don't shout at you (a good thing I think).
After that, we went to visit Sebastien and Daddy to see how they had survived the night in hospital. On admission we had been given a choice of having Sebastien in a bed or a cot - and boy was I glad that I decisively answered "a cot"! It was very good at keeping a very active little boy in one spot whilst he was hooked up to various drips and monitors!
When we arrived we saw that they already had visitors!
Aunty Annie had brought Kalan and Chelsea to spend some time with us - she knew what being stuck in hospital was like! Even so, Sebastien was on such good drugs that he slept through most of the action.
We had some new wall decorations
and some presents that included balloons! That was great. Then the three mobile kids hit the playroom for some play and painting action. 
Daddy said that the night had not been the best - but I'll let him comment and add his bit. In any case, he said that it would probably be best for him to stay that second night in hospital rather than for me to (he knows how "well" I usually sleep). After a bit of convincing, I agreed. Alex and Daddy headed off for some "out of hospital" time down at Aunty Annie's house whilst Mummy hung out with Sebastien and learnt how to cut and tape the circular holes in the nappies/diapers for the catheter - a steep learning curve when you have a dirty nappy to change and no ready stash of modified nappies. Mummy was thankful that the nurse could locate a pair of scissors and some tape to make the modifications - for this was something she hadn't really thought about!
Before long, Alex and Daddy were back and Sebastien was awake and sampling that hospital food. It was strange - even though we'd filled out every order, we consistently got completely different orders delivered. Because Sebastien was still nursing, we were able to order for Mummy too which meant whomever was at the hospital was able to eat in the room without having to head out to eat and leave Sebastien alone. 
Soon it was time for Mummy and Alex to head for home. Apparently not long after we left, Sebastien's drip (in his foot) was partly pulled out so had to be removed. Onto the oral pain meds then!
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