Monday 18 May 2009

A trip to Australia - Sydney (II)

We spent the night before our departure in Sydney so that I wouldn't be too stressed with getting to the airport - especially as I knew I was already going to be spent entertaining two children on a daytime flight instead of the nighttime flight we'd taken to get here. As we'd left Canberra, Alex had been crying and saying that she didn't want to go. It was very sad and quite different to how upset she'd initially been to have been going to Australia instead of America where all her friends live.

Aunty Chelle and Grandie both joined us for the trip to Sydney which made for lovely company. We had a nice meal at a hotel/pub near where we were staying and enjoyed the short walk back to the motel. Alex liked the sensation of this ground cover on her hand.
We managed to get a good night's sleep (thanks Aunty Chelle for sleeping on the top bunk :)) after difficulty getting the children to sleep in the new environment. We decided to grab breakfast at the airport after checkin - so I could relax a little knowing I just had to clear immigration and security. All of a sudden I heard a cry from Alex:

"Look who we found - look Mummy!"

Poppie had been in Sydney and decided to help see us off at the airport. It was great to see him - especially as he took Sebastien on a wander of the surroundings so Mummy could eat some breakfast (and drink a coffee that was actually somewhat hot).

By the end of breakfast, Poppie had Alex carefully checking out the surrounding airport for "the man" who makes sure noone takes the decorations from the christmas trees. She was pretty jumpy.

I have no photos of this as I was busy with boarding passes, passports and making sure I had ditched that bottle of water that security won't let through the detectors. After kisses and hugs all around, we waved goodbye and started our 9+3+2 hour journey home.

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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia