A trip to Australia - Canberra (II)
We had decided to "share the love" and stay this week with Aunty Shell and Cousin Tristan - we didn't want to push our luck and impose on the same family members the whole time...thanks so much to all you guys who had us bunk at your place!
We had all kinds of fun - not only did Aunty Chelle leave us a basket of toys from her toybox, but Aunty Shell and Cousin Tristan had their own toys to share - computer games, PS2 games, buckets of cars, twirly fighting things on the tray (that I'm sure Tristan will comment and let me know what they're called) and basketball. 
Sebastien was still working out this walking thing - but the wooden floors were more forgiving that the marble of China!
He was happy just so long as he had a book, some clothespegs and a clothes basket.
Those who know us, know that storytime plays a big part of our bedtime routine. Mummy likes to get other people in on the act (afterall, reading the same book one hundred times gets pretty old so she figures a fresh perspective on the story works for all concerned) so we had Aunty Shell helping us this time - maybe next time Cousin Tristan could give it a go.
There has been such a lot of construction in Canberra over the past five or six years - such that Mummy finds it hard to keep up with what is new in town. After watching Cousin Tristan play a game of basketball, he and Aunty Shell took Mummy out for a chocolate extravaganza (while the other Aunty Chelle babysat).
We were quite the social butterflies, also arranging to have a lovely lunch in town with Uncle Craig and Aunty Sarah.
Now you'd imagine a bloke in a suit, with cool shades, would be retiring, and somewhat sedate, wandering the streets of downtown Canberra and heading over to the carousel to check things out with his neice.
But you'd be wrong! There was dancing in the street!
Have you seen her with a bigger grin?!
We also managed to get in another playdate with Cousins Chelsea and Kalan. 
Aunty Annie always has exciting things to do - she had playdough ready for them once they tired of dress ups and the other toys. Sebastien also got into the dressups - though necklaces are more his thing.
Mummy managed to get in some alone time as Aunty Clare and Uncle James babysat one day before heading off on their honeymoon - such dedication is truly appreciated ;) No photographic evidence though I am told that the house was left in one piece.
Before long it was time to hit the road again - go west young man, go west...onto Narrandera, the town where Daddy spent a lot of time when he was growing up.
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