Thursday 23 October 2008

Has it really been two years?!

I first started this blog in November 2006 when Alex was 20 months old and can't believe that it has continued through another baby (hello Sebastien) and a move to China (hello Xiamen).

With the two year anniversary approaching, I thought I'd get the blog an appropriate anniversary gift and combine the 1st and 2nd year (paper and cotton) and investigate how to get a hard copy printed and bound of the blog's first couple of years. And it's been difficult finding a clear cut answer.

If anyone has a flash of inspiration, leave me a comment. Until then, I'll keep doing the internet rounds to see what's available.


Sarah said...

Alyssa, Another blogger/fellow MAM'er gave me this awhile back....(she said)....Also, I wanted to let you know that I found a program called booksmart from blurb ( that turns your blog automatically into a book, kind of like a photo album or journal to keep. Thought you might be interested.

Hope that helps!

Donita said...

I 2nd Sarah's comment I've seen (via the internet) some of their work and it looks fab! I have been thinking of doing something of the sort for me. Kind of a portfolio, baby book, thing-a-ma-bob.

Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia