Sunday 26 October 2008

Happy Birthday to me

In all the excitement of moving to China, I forgot to blog about my birthday! I celebrated it just over a week after we arrived in China - in fact, it was just after we had moved into our apartment. Here are some photos of my day.

First up I finally managed to find in a Trustmart supermarket (tucked away on a shelf and not at all obvious) a packet of five balloons. I had wanted some for Sebastien's birthday in a month, but broke out the pink one for me:

I made good use of our fridge magnets - got to remind the family somehow:

That evening I came home to find the table piled with some goodies that Alex and Sebastien had helped Daddy to find:

You'll see some little chocolates, various dried fruits, some coated peanuts, pistaccios, some individually wrapped cream(?) filled cookies as well as a large container of strawberry cookies, a beautiful blue baby frame and a jewellry box (for me to fill with a jade piece of my choice once I've worked out where to buy from), and two cards.

And the final touch - a little chinglish to keep me going:

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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia