Wednesday, 30 April 2008
This past weekend saw us spending time checking out the ACES Petstravaganza at the university. Vastly different going this year with a three year old than last year with a two year old. Alex was her own person, seeking out different stands and, of course, the face painting (she's a cat). We managed to make it around all the stands with out passport and with all the stamps, earnt a t-shirt for Alex. Some of the stands made hard work for us, explaining about mistreated animals etc, but no more difficult than explaining a vet surgery video from the Vet Med Open House!
The video is of her playing pin the ID tag on the cat.
No, not THAT kind of colon...
Let me know what you are in my comments! You Are a Colon |
![]() You are very orderly and fact driven. You aren't concerned much with theories or dreams... only what's true or untrue. You are brilliant and incredibly learned. Anything you know is well researched. You like to make lists and sort through things step by step. You aren't subject to whim or emotions. Your friends see you as a constant source of knowledge and advice. (But they are a little sick of you being right all of the time!) You excel in: Leadership positions You get along best with: The Semi-Colon |
So some of the other blogs I've been reading have a few "personality tests" to's the first result -

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by
Nope, I just don't believe it!!
Let me know what you end up as in my comments.

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by
Nope, I just don't believe it!!
Let me know what you end up as in my comments.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
This weather is beautiful!
Saturday, 26 April 2008
School Week Four
OK, so this week no art came home ;)
This week was a short week with no school on Friday. Alex was sad but no tears this time. Instead of school we hung out at the library. Alex has continued to get stickers for having her after-lunch nap (something I never thought possible) which seems to occur because preschool just wipes her out.
We tried to have a couple of afternoon playdates this week to see whether that is do-able with preschool. Not so much, it seems. Alex is too tired to control her emotions etc after a day at school so we won't be doing too much of that until after school has finished for the year.
Um, oh yes, we heard that our little naturalist was trying to strip off for her nap we needed to reinforce the wearing of clothes whilst out of the house...
We continue to hear renditions from the class's music afternoon - all the time - and if we dare try to sing along...
This week was a short week with no school on Friday. Alex was sad but no tears this time. Instead of school we hung out at the library. Alex has continued to get stickers for having her after-lunch nap (something I never thought possible) which seems to occur because preschool just wipes her out.
We tried to have a couple of afternoon playdates this week to see whether that is do-able with preschool. Not so much, it seems. Alex is too tired to control her emotions etc after a day at school so we won't be doing too much of that until after school has finished for the year.
Um, oh yes, we heard that our little naturalist was trying to strip off for her nap we needed to reinforce the wearing of clothes whilst out of the house...
We continue to hear renditions from the class's music afternoon - all the time - and if we dare try to sing along...
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Fuel, gas, it's all going up, up, up!
Fuel in Australia is hitting $1.50/L (approx $5.50/gallon) whilst in America, it's at $3.60/gallon (approx $0.90/L).
Meanwhile, the cost of a gallon of milk or a litre of milk.
Just saying...
Meanwhile, the cost of a gallon of milk or a litre of milk.
Just saying...
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
I feel the earth, move, under my feet...
Earthquake! Yep, you heard me. Never did I think that I'd get to experience such a thing, especially in the Mid-West of America. But on 18 April I woke thinking someone had crashed their car into the apartment building. Whilst I was thinking I needed to go see if they needed help, it registered that the apartment was still moving - so next I thought that the motor of the fridge was about to give out (duh I know). Finally it clicked that it may be an earthquake - but by this time things had stopped shaking. Did I mention that Brett, Alex and Sebastien slept right through it?!
We've also been having aftershocks all week - but to be honest, I haven't felt any of those.
I just want to get out of town without experiencing a tornado...
We've also been having aftershocks all week - but to be honest, I haven't felt any of those.
I just want to get out of town without experiencing a tornado...
Don't cha love a good party?
We went to Kylie's 3rd party a week ago (our first "after pre-school" social engagement) and had a ball! Little Dora the Explorers were everywhere and Alex loved catching up with friends. Actually, so did I!
Thanks to Donita for the photos!

1 Sebastien standing up (as usual).
2 Alex in the playhouse.
3 Like his sister, Sebastien is very keen on being upside-down.
4 Alex playing with a pony.
5 The birthday girl, complete with wedding veil ;), and birthday cake.
6 Alex peeking through the window at Donita - and voila, the beginning of the fake "camera" smile.

1 Alex and Sarah play on the couch - no they aren't Alex's shoes...she still tries on any that she finds.
2 Close up of the patty/cup cakes complete with Dora.
Thanks to Donita for the photos!

1 Sebastien standing up (as usual).
2 Alex in the playhouse.
3 Like his sister, Sebastien is very keen on being upside-down.
4 Alex playing with a pony.
5 The birthday girl, complete with wedding veil ;), and birthday cake.
6 Alex peeking through the window at Donita - and voila, the beginning of the fake "camera" smile.

1 Alex and Sarah play on the couch - no they aren't Alex's shoes...she still tries on any that she finds.
2 Close up of the patty/cup cakes complete with Dora.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Another one bites the dust...
Friday, 18 April 2008
Competitions galore
Thursday, 17 April 2008
School Week Three
This week, after two aborted attempts, Brett volunteered at the school. I shall leave it to him to post about that experience - but I am hoping to volunteer next week.
Thursday brought Alex's first preschool music concert - which I will blog about in a separate post.
Alex has taken to saying "I love Mrs Byers (one of her teachers)" - possibly this could be due to the fact that every afternoon when we come to pick her up, she is sitting near or on Mrs Byers' lap having a story read to her.
More bits:
- Alex started going to preschool on Daddy's bike with Mummy and Sebastien picking her up in the afternoon.
- Alex knows that you play "chase" with boys in the playground - preferably without her coat as that makes it easier for them to catch her (this was harder to decipher as one of the children in her class is a little boy called..."Chase")
- Every day when asked what was for lunch, she answers "I don't know" (read "I don't remember") - could this be the beginning of the whole "What did you do at school today?" "Nothin'." routine??
- We are very sad that there is no school on the weekend.
- No matter how I do her hair, it is completely undone at the end of each day.
- Peer pressure has its advantages - Alex went from having no afternoon nap to (within the first 3 days) having a 1.5 hour afternoon nap each day - which we try to continue on weekends.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Sebastien loves to stand
Birthdays come and go, and come and go and come and go...
Uncle Matt comes to town!!
Yay! Uncle Matt came to town to meet his new nephew and see where we live (before we leave)!
Alex was, charmed!
Sebastien was, his usual self!
Brett was, still recovering from his "night out on the town" three days later!
Altogether Uncle Matt was here for a weekend (he's doing other travelling before heading back to the UK) so we packed in the University of Illinois' Vet Med Open House on
(yes, we saw the fistulated cow).

Uncle Matt gets adventurous having failed to convince Alex to check out the cow's stomach (hey, she had the glove on!)

Then it was off to soccer on Sunday

...oh and Brett showed Matt the sights and sounds of campus bars on Saturday night...reminding himself in the process why it is he doesn't usually venture onto campus for the barlife!
Uncle Matt even cooked us a roast dinner on his last night - mmmm! Plus he scored brownie points for saving his gift giving (thanks Aunty Karen too) until the second evening he was here. Nessie is a hit! And he says he may come see us in China...
Sebastien was, his usual self!
Brett was, still recovering from his "night out on the town" three days later!
Altogether Uncle Matt was here for a weekend (he's doing other travelling before heading back to the UK) so we packed in the University of Illinois' Vet Med Open House on
Uncle Matt gets adventurous having failed to convince Alex to check out the cow's stomach (hey, she had the glove on!)
Then it was off to soccer on Sunday
...oh and Brett showed Matt the sights and sounds of campus bars on Saturday night...reminding himself in the process why it is he doesn't usually venture onto campus for the barlife!
Uncle Matt even cooked us a roast dinner on his last night - mmmm! Plus he scored brownie points for saving his gift giving (thanks Aunty Karen too) until the second evening he was here. Nessie is a hit! And he says he may come see us in China...
School Week Two
Things I have learnt:
- Teachers are not joking when they ask children to wear washable clothing - I am amazed by the state of Alex's clothes some days!
- On a plus, this gives me a clue when I ask Alex what she had for lunch/snack and her answer is "I don't know"...
- Volunteers are much loved in the classroom - and I should make the most of this whilst my child isn't "embarrassed" to have me around.
- If I get to school earlier that 2.55pm, I should be prepared to sit in the car and read a book/knit/twiddle my thumbs as any early arrival in the classroom will be seen as devasting by Alex.
- If I put 5 days worth of clothes in seperate plastic bags, then Alex is happy to wear what I want so long as she gets to choose one of those bags (this is a bit tricky with the current weather we're experiencing but should get easier once it is consistently warm).
- I'm sure there are more, so I'll save them for next week!
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Book Tag
OK, so Donita tagged me...the rules are: pick up the nearest book that is at least 123 pages...turn to page 123, find the 5th sentence. Type the next 3 sentences.
Here we go - "The Grown-Up's Guide to Running Away from Home" by Rosanne Knorr (hmmm)
um, it's a list of airline reservation numbers...the whole page...I'm not here's page 124 (cheating just a little)
Can't tell I'm doing homework for our trip to China :P
OK, so now you're it: Tina!
Here we go - "The Grown-Up's Guide to Running Away from Home" by Rosanne Knorr (hmmm)
um, it's a list of airline reservation numbers...the whole page...I'm not here's page 124 (cheating just a little)
"You can buy consolidator tickets through a travel agent. If the agent deals with consolidators on a regular basis, they'll know who's legitimate. In any case, buy from a consolidator in your locale if you can."
Can't tell I'm doing homework for our trip to China :P
OK, so now you're it: Tina!
Sunday, 6 April 2008
What to do, what to do...?
So with Alex off at preschool that first week, what did Sebastien and I get up to (I think I hear you ask) - well we spent time babysitting a friend where Sebastien got some time to practice sitting whilst munching on his rings, went to a couple of playgroups (where the chorus of "Where's Alex?" from her friends was frequent), and even went out for lunch together - just like I used to do with Alex when she was his age.

Saturday, 5 April 2008
School Week One Impressions
A typical day - click photo to enlarge - includes washing our hands after we put our belongings in our cubby. The video we took on our way to school, on the steps of where we live.
Again, no idea why it's all spaced out like this - it looks beautiful when I preview it...
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
A pinch and a punch...
for the first day of the month, no returns!
And in honour of it being the 1st of April, check out the Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes Of All Time or this list of pranks!
And in honour of it being the 1st of April, check out the Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes Of All Time or this list of pranks!
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Girl Scout Cookies
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