Sunday 16 December 2007

Will it stay for 9 more days?

I just had to go check on a building (part of my "job") and it's been snowing all day - and WOW! Here are some photos - my hands are only just starting to warm up again.

Our carpark - our car is closest to us. We're going to need to dig out...time to "dig" out the snow shovel from the back of the storage closet!

The snow's blowing too - so much so that it's stopping our building door from closing! Piling up on the steps, we'll be shovelling snow tomorrow...

Unfortunately not enough ambient light to give a good image - and the flash just shows up the falling snow...and it's still falling!

But it looks like we might be heading towards having our first real WHITE CHRISTMAS!

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The Atkisson Family said...
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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia