Monday 24 December 2007

Sebastien hits a quarter year

Wow! What with Christmas coming up so fast and preparation for the job market conference in the New Year, it's hard to believe that Sebastien is already 3 months! And doing really well! Well, if you discount the "not sleeping through the night like his sister was already doing" thing...and the "extremely gassy and unhappy baby in the night" thing...and the...well he's doing really well! He's smiling and almost laughing - one day he'll hear his voice laughing and it'll amaze him. He really loves to suck on the backs of his hands and is drooling up a storm. Another thing Alex didn't really do. Hmm, I'm sensing a theme here...

He loves straightening his legs to "stand up" and tries to stay upstanding for as long as possible. He isn't a great fan of tummy time, but can handle 15 minutes of it so long as the toy is interesting. He really prefers to be held: all - the - time...another difference with Alex. This is actually something that has taken its toll on Mummy's back recently so hopefully that will improve.

Anyway, here is HRH2 - complete with circle of friends...and HRH1 too:

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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia