Saturday 14 March 2009

Our new home - for the next year

Hmm, now if you've been reading for a while, you'll realise that I posted on the 18th September about which apartment we chose and it even had photos and a video. So I shan't do a repeat. Whew - so glad I need to do one less post than I thought.

I will update our views on our apartment 6 months later to say that although we have two bathrooms, we rarely use the kid's bathroom due to an overwhelmingly noxious odor. It smells like a really bad toilet smell but no matter what we try we've been unsuccessful in eliminating it (making sure we run the water so it isn't sitting stagnant in the pipes, cleaning out the drains, putting in deodorizers, opening the window etc) which means that we will not be staying in this apartment after our year is up. Much as we love it otherwise, we just can't hold with the smell. So we shall be hunting again for an apartment though we would prefer to find one with a similar outlook and in the same complex. We shall see - we still have until July...

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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia