A Double Whammy
And then, just when Alex and I were recovering from our tummy bugs (of the 10 mom/tot groups at playgroup, about 8 eventually had the bug over the course of that week), Sebastien decided not to sleep - even moreso than usual. I mean, this kid just does not like to sleep. Unless, of course, he's being held. But this was bordering on the ridiculous - not sleeping unless vertically held (see exhibit A)
and inconsolable crying for 3 hours at night (usually starting after 7 or 8pm). Now I kind of figured it wasn't the bug - no projectile vomiting for a start - so maybe it was colic? Though at 3.5 months he was a little old to be starting that. In desperation (and sleep deprived) I sent out a "help" email to the moms group I'm a member of (I looove this group) and within 15 minutes had offers of swings to borrow and colic information - and a couple of adoption offers :). Well, it turned out (after taking him to a doctor on Monday 2 days later) that he has a double ear infection. Poor Sebastien. In my defense (and I feel I need to defend myself) he didn't have any classic signs of an ear infection. So 10 days of antibiotics to take, and halfway through he's already back to his usual self.
Alex woke up in the night and wanted to have Koala swaddled - and to walk with Daddy and Sebastien.
Our apartment isn't very big so the downstairs neighbors must hate us!
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