Comfy as old shoes
These shoes - the stories they could tell! My parents bought them for me on a trip they took to the UK, about 15 years ago, with two of my siblings (leaving me and one of my sisters at home with the grandparents) and I LOVE them. But unfortunately my feet have managed to grow about a size over the course of two they no longer fit. So, after two resolings (is that even a word?) and numerous miles they will be relegated to the great shoe store in the sky...
lol - mine were always too big! but they were very comfy. I bet those shoes have some great stories they could tell Lys! I remember buying them with Mum & Dad - seems like a lifetime ago now....
Oh, I think you should keep them! Nostaligic! I have my old shoes that I hiked the Alps in.
You ungrateful child. we spend a fortune on you and after only 15 years you discard our gift.
You cannot beat those doc martens.
I had those same shoes.... hopefully they will meet each other in that shoe heaven and live happily ever after.
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