Update on the Paci
Sebastien really didn't take willingly to the paci - grudgedly accepting it only if he was really in pain and nothing else was forthcoming - so I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find that he really doesn't take it at all now. I probably could go out and buy a lot of different types to see if he'd take one, but I really couldn't be bothered (maybe I'll change my tune at 3am one morning when he just can't be calmed...). The more perturbing trend is his starting to refuse the bottle. A more recent occurance, Brett and I are wondering if he will wander down the same path as Alex and refuse bottles unless desperate. We had thought that we wouldn't face that issue as (opposite of Alex) we introduced him to a bottle before a month old and have been giving him at least a bottle a day (thanks daddy for those early a.m. feedings!) whilst with Alex we'd waited until 3 mths to do that. We're waiting to see how the coming week goes...
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