That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer...sorry old Bard. I've just been pondering the question lately. As a NON-paci provider (sorry Grandma) to Alex, I figured that the same would be the case for Sebastien. Well, to date Sebastien has proven a "gassier" baby than Alex, with some spit-up moments after horrendous amounts of time spent burping him. This meant that not a lot of sleep was happening - for him or his Mummy!
A friend mentioned using a pacifier to help, and in sleep deprieved desperation I threw my preconceptions out the window and broke out the only pacifier in the house (one to administer medecine that we had been given before Alex arrived) and he used it, grudgingly, that very same night. "Eureka!" I thought. But it turns out that more often than not, he declines the pacifier when offered it. I'm not about to go out and buy different pacifiers to find one he may prefer - his sleep pattern is settling down and when he is truly gassy and miserable (as am I) he accepts the pacifier then - say every 2-3 evenings.
Anyway, just wanted to put it down in writing that I'd broken down and offered Sebastien a pacifier - just for Grandma to read!
Monday, 5 November 2007
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Xiamen University, China

Our home away from Australia
ALYSSA!!!!!!! NO! NO!
Very disappointing Lys! Hope you have started saving for the dentist bills later on - BUCKY!
Well Lys, I know plenty of people who were given pacifiers as babies and guess what - they're NORMAL people!!
Do what's best for your sanity & health. It's important that you function normally to be the best mum you can be.
Pacifier schmacifier.
I fought the paci for John Michael, but gave in. John Michael gave it up on his own right before he was a year. We only let him have it for naps, night time, and sickness. I think if you let your little one have a pacifier sometimes it isn't going to be a big deal. I think the children that need dental work are the ones that have the pacifier in their mouth 24 hours a day until they are 3 or 4. Do what gives you some sanity and won't harm the child. :-) John Michael's teeth are just fine. Aaron never wanted the pacifier. Good luck! I hope you're getting some sleep!
This has caused quite a stir, hasn't it Lys? I was joking about the dentist bit - it's thumb suckers that should be worried! Anything that lets you get some sleep, and maintain your sanity is cool.
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