What's a girl to do with snow and mountains?
When we lived in Illinois, there was plenty of snow in the wintertime. However we did suffer from a dearth of hills - how lucky were we to live in Orchard Downs with one of the very few hills in the town! Though this brought its own problems with the multitude of people who descended on the hill when it snowed!
Well, we were going to make the most of being in Australia in winter and finally use the lodge membership we have for the first time in almost six years!
Ahh skiing - what fond memories Mummy has of Grandie and Poppie taking her, with the rest of the family, skiing during her school holidays!
The plan was originally to get to the town at the base of the mountain at lunchtime, collect our snow gear and snow chains for the car and then head up the mountain in the afternoon - avoiding the iciest time of the day. Well all did not go according to plan. We were travelling in two cars as Aunty Chelle, Uncle B and Jasmine were joining us and lucky for us they were very patient and understanding (at least after it was all over ;)) In the end, we headed up the mountain in the late afternoon, accompanied by a light fall of snow. We were lucky that we were late as there had been a blizzard at lunchtime that would have meant needing chains on the tyres to get to the carpark. As it was, we managed to get in without chains - though the signs were out at the top saying they were required.
We trekked up to the lodge from the carpark - and discovered a luggage sled at the door which made the subsequent trip much easier (we bring in most of our food and drink as well as clothes - though we were only staying two nights so it wasn't as much as on other trips). Then Uncle B and Daddy took the cars to the overnight parking lot for the night. Meanwhile, we were all very excited to be in the snow.
We took many photos - and the disposable cameras we'd won at the trivia night had been given to Alex for her to take some photos too.
Although we had hoped to have Alex join the Milo Ski School for two mornings to experience skiing on "the magic carpet", it had been too difficult to organise from Guthega, where we were staying (I'll save that particular rant for another time - suffice it to say that I was pretty unimpressed...). So we settled down to enjoy a couple of days of snowplay.
According to other lodge members, this was the most snow that they'd seen in the past week - we were very lucky to have arrived along with the snow (it was to be well on the way to melting away outside our lodge by the time we left).

Although we did get Alex onto skis - it was only briefly and she was much happier just sledding. Perhaps next time.

Sebastien had grown to love his sunglasses - when he went inside he'd be pushing them up onto his head, so cool!
Although we'd started with hats, the weather was so beautiful that they didn't last long!
Our sledding knew no bounds and Alex was fearless.Unlike in C-U where she'd been nervous about sledding with someone else, here she was on her own sled and having a ball. Sebastien enjoyed sledding with Daddy and Uncle B - and learnt to lie down to be pulled uphill so he didn't topple off the back.
Alex was probably most excited when she was racing "the adults" - and winning.

Aunty Chelle and Aunty Jasmine enjoyed the fast route down from the lodge.
Knowing he wasn't hitting the apres ski set meant Daddy felt comfortable being avant garde in his skiing attire. We in the know, know that this is pretty much his winter marathon training gear - minus the ski boots, stocks and goggles of course!
What goes down, must come up - something Alex had to learn. She quickly got the hang of it with her sled but there were many tears when she had to carry her skis back up - but she got there in the end.
Before attacking the lasagne precooked by Uncle B, we expended our energy with a snowball fight (Alex's ammunition provided by honorary aunty Jasmine)!

We managed to gain the uphill advantage on Uncle B - 
even Sebastien joined in the action! 

Pretty soon he'd capitulated (that's our story)
and we deigned to help him back up the hill.

Aunty Chelle taught Alex all about eating snow (avoid that yellow snow) although she never did show her how to make a snow slushie with cordial!
Our intrepid explorers had already checked out Guthega Dam and the next ridge for possible "ultra" sledding for the second day -
and managed to rise early to conquer the hills.
The second night was time to eat out for the Aunties and Uncle (Mummy and Daddy ate with the kids at the lodge) though we met them at the bar for a hot chocolate and mulled wine after the kids' dinner.
Way too soon it was Sunday and we managed to get in a little more snow play whilst cleaning the lodge and packing the car.
By lunchtime we were heading back down the mountain to return our ski gear. We were lucky to have so many indefatigable family members there - though we did try to make sure that they enjoyed some time on their own too. Don't want to wear them out too early - we want to entice them to return with us another time.
We said sad goodbyes in the Rebel Sport carpark and headed on to Grandma and Grandad's.
1 comment:
I remember the first snowball we threw at Uncle B, Alex was horrified that we were being mean to him and she bawled!
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