Filling our days
We had some time (2 weeks) before Alex went to school so we took the opportunity to wander around Gulang Yu
and watch the fishing boats as they unloaded their catch for the restaurants and cleaned their boats.
Later at home, Alex then decided that she was a fisherman carrying his load to the restaurant when she was playing.
Things have definitely changed for Sebastien - another year older than when we first arrived in China. He no longer is fascinated by being passed from stranger to stranger and has learnt his first chinese phrase - "No, bu yao!" He actively pushes people away and runs for Mummy when he is accosted. Though his acquisition of a chinese phrase just makes him all the more irresistable to them.
He really enjoys wearing the Mardi Gras beads we have here - though lately it's been Thomas and friends going to Mardi Gras.
Since coming back to the humidity of China, his hair has sprung back into curls from that sorry excuse for a mullet he sported in wintertime Australia. Perhaps it is time for his first haircut...maybe after his birthday.
Mummy spent some time cleaning Alex's shoes - a necessary evil - and was happy to have some company.
Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth - here she is enjoying playing cards with Daddy.
The cards are made from the front illustrations of "Furry Friends" chocolate wrappers and were made before Alex was born. More interesting to her than the "usual" pack of cards as these have numbats, kangaroos, possums, koalas, dingoes etc on them. Nice to see that they've lasted so long.
Sebastien really enjoyed having his sister play at home with him - he's going to miss her once school starts!
We prepared for our anticipated water outage - the island's water pipes were being replaced in conjunction with construction of a railway station and this would cut water to the island for four days. But having prepared for the worst (some expats moved to hotels on the mainland for the duration) we suffered no effect - not even an apparent lowering of water pressure! Alex enjoyed helping the fill the tong (barrel) with water anyway.
We saw many people taking advantage of the last of the truly hot weather to dry food - here are shreds of sweet potato in the courtyard of our building compex. Seeing this makes Mummy pause to think about what she buys from the market - and then she figures what she doesn't know can't hurt her...can it?
Before long it was time to go to back to school. Alex was in two minds about this - on one hand she wanted to see (and play) with her friends. On the other, she's scared of her a few of her teachers (the ones who shout, stamp their feet and smack hands - though she's quick to tell me she's never been smacked, she has admitted to being yelled at). But in the end friends won and she headed off to start another school year in Zhong Yi Ban (middle first class).
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