But Brett and I, well we managed to work our way through some Australian wine and some lovely cheeses, and Brett made a wonderful Christmas lunch - which I didn't have to cook or clean up after! Yay - there is a Santa Claus and he cooks!
Then our afternoon (and well into the evening) was spent either on the phone or the internet chatting with Australia. Well, with Brett's six siblings, it takes a good hour to get through everyone - and that's if they are all at the same place. This year they seem to be spread out everywhere. My family was also pretty spread out, though mum and dad did have James to keep them company.
And so it is "sleepy time" for Alex, and we'll see just how good her nighttime routine is. Will she sleep through the night? Or will the sugar coursing through her bloodstream keep her up and active until the wee hours? Brett and I have our fingers crossed...
Oh, and we were pretty lax with the camera when we were opening presents, so instead I've chosen to add her most recent photo taken on the Tuesday before Christmas.
Geez, that sounds like my Christmas, except with home-made shortbread and Ferrero Rochers!
At least you have a couple of months 'til Easter is upon us with more lollies & chocolate, though I bet you can already find easter eggs at Wal Mart :)
But I bet your Christmas involved watching the cricket eating leftovers the next day. It was strange to do neither on boxing day.
mmm.. chocolate! A girl after my own heart! What a perfect picture of the little doll!
Evie is on a bubble gum kick.. I think I can just hear her little teeth rotting already LOL I've been making her brush 4 times a day!
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