Ahhh, the smell of gluhwein, freshly roasted chestnuts and fresh snow. It is this time of year that really pulls my memory back to Switzerland. I love this time of year and spent many a happy afternoon walking the streets of the Old Town with a mug of gluhwein in hand, people watching. I especially loved chatting with the friendly guys roasting the chestnuts in big bins whilst waiting for my paper-wrapped portion.
I think that makes winter here, different. No chestnuts (unless I want to cook them myself - where's the ambience?) and whilst I could whip up a batch of gluhwein on the weekend, would it do justice to the plowed cornfields that are my backyard? So instead we will visit reindeer farms and christmas tree farms and enjoy pecan pie with hot apple cider, and people watch.
I tried to find a photo from winter in Geneva, but unfortunately I didn't have the digital. So this one of late spring will have to suffice.
Hmm, more negative than I wanted - I was shooting for a wistful, nostalgic tone. Guess a career in writing is out of the question!
Anytime you want to reminise about Switzerland, don't hesitate to give me a call : ) You described it so wonderfully, I can smell the roasting chestnuts.
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