Sunday 1 November 2009

It's a birthday party!

We decided to have a couple of friends join us to play at the Children's Museum of Science and Technology playground in honour of Sebastien's birthday (thanks to Ellie for the idea) and then to enjoy dinner at Pizza Hut (newly refurbished and overlooking Gulang Yu).

The kids had a great time in the ball pit and wandering around the upstairs part of the play equipment- there was more than enough to keep them entertained and Sebastien really enjoyed the water toys.With a bit of tuition from Daddy, Sebastien soon worked out how things work.After a couple of hours running themselves ragged, we jumped in a taxi and headed to Pizza Hut near the ferry landing. We found ourselves trying to hail a taxi at change-of-shift which made things interested until we'd worked that out (maybe it was that every time we hailed one it would slow down enough to ask where we wanted to go and the taxi driver would then shake his head and speed off) and changed to the other side of the road - success!

We had had a little difficulty in booking a table for Sebastien's party - as the newly refurbished Pizza Hut didn't take bookings except for birthday parties...and who has a birthday party for a 2 year old?! But we managed it in the end and were shown to the best seat in the place overlooking the island as the sun went down. Part of paying 50RMB to reserve a table for a birthday party included dressing the birthday girl/boy in theme (Western this time), doing a DIY pizza and having a craft. Sebastien was fine with wearing a vest (sized for a larger person) but drew the line at the cowboy hat. Charles was happy to wear it in his stead.Alex and Charles put on the plastic gloves and decorated out sausage-stuffed-crust pizza.Sebastien took a good quality-control look at it before it headed off to the oven and announced "cake!" before making a grab for some dough.
Later it was deemed a hit and the two cooks enjoyed a taste too.
The blowers were a hit and soon worn out. Everyone's energy level seemed to be high as we cruised through the meal. William was tuckered out from the playground and slept through most of dinner.Alex and Charles enjoyed their Pizza hut photo frame craft.Sebastien was excited to get a gift from Charles and William - a car that plays music! He was most upset that he wasn't allowed to play with it immediately.
We enjoyed mixed desserts instead of cake this year - Sebastien's brownie went down in quick time and yes those are raisins on the scoop of icecream. Sebastien knew what happens with candles thanks to attending others' parties and as we had a lighter we did a quick re-light to ensure all could enjoy "blowing out the candle". Then it was time to leave - we watched the view from the crowded glassed-in elevator and then elected to walk home. Well, the parents walked whilst all four kids ran and ran. Both Daddies managed to keep up to keep them out of harm's way. It was late and their energy never flagged.

It was a great way to celebrate turning two!

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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
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