Tuesday 13 January 2009

First post of a new year

Welcome to 2009!

First we were in Australia, then we were back, then we were entertaining friends from the States and then we were visiting Beijing with them, now we are back. Phew! Time to start a dedicated effort in updating the blog. Remember, it might be a good idea to join the bloglines on the right at the top of the blog so that you get an email if I update the blog rather than checking in yourself and waiting a seemingly interminable time for an update.

So, for the first post of the year I will say - I have some guest posts from Australia to post, I have some thoughts to post on what changed in the almost 2 months we were in Australia, I have more than a few photos of the kiddos - what with Sebastien practically running these days and Alex talking up a storm, and plenty more.

I am working on our usual "End of year missive" from the HRHs - and hope to have it mailed out before Valentine's Day this year (yes, I have a target) so will also post that here once sufficient time has elapsed for people to receive it.

Here's to a wonderful, happy, prosperous, healthy, (insert appropriate positive adjective here) etc 2009 to all of you - and to us!

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Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia