Wednesday 25 June 2008


So now we can add Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease to our list of afflictions for Sebastien.

So in the first 9 months of Sebastien's life he's enjoyed:

In comparison:

By the time Alex was three, she'd had only a couple of colds, a bout of roseola (she had enjoyed a visit to the ER due to a fall on her noggin onto concrete though, plus a couple of split lips and a goose-egg on her forehead - remember Auntie Chelle?)

What is he going to do for a finale? I'm hoping that our move to China doesn't give him too much scope for drama!


Unknown said...

OK! what is hand, foot and mouth disease, i have only heard of foot and mouth disease. He will have a great immune system with all those antibodies running around in his veins

lyndall said...

lol! You are soooooooooo in the States! Pink Eye hehe

Tina said...

oh man!!! My little man was playing with yours all day! SO far so good over here.. (I should have never typed that) LOL
I hope he gets feeling better soon!
Does he have the sores and all of that? Poor guy!!!!

Tofamily said...
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Tofamily said...

Poor Sebastien!
It must be a boy thing!
(Or a second child thing)
Kalan has a list just as long!

Xiamen University, China

Xiamen University, China
Our home away from Australia