Since Alex could walk, we have distinguished ows into two types, general ows that are nothing to cry over, and ows-with-blood that make everyone else cringe when they see them.
Alex and I had a pretty rough Monday morning. We headed out to open up the Playgroup room for Orchard Downs as a favor for someone and on the way down our apartment concrete steps, I mistimed a stepdown and took all the skin off the back of my heel/achilles of my left foot - ow, ow and ow. I was pretty pleased to keep my more choice words inside my head as Alex was right next to me. When we arrived at the Playgroup room I cleaned myself up.
Meanwhile, Alex wanted me to read to her and tripped up while following me into the hall - she went headfirst into a concrete wall corner and ended up with a tooth going through her bottom lip, a graze from lip to under the chin in the shape of the corner, and blood, lots of blood everywhere. It's true when they say that your heart ends up in your mouth - my first thought was that she might have lost a tooth, but after she eventually let me look, all was ok. It's amazing just how much lips can bleed!
Anyway, she wouldn't let me clean her up or put ice on the lip so now she is sporting a fantastic fat lip although the graze has started to fade (as of Saturday). She spent almost all the playgroup 2 hours sitting on my knee and reading stories which is very unusual for her. And when her Daddy came home for lunch, she was most excited to tell him about Mummy's "ow-with-blood" and left him to guess what happened to her! We put this down as the second injury - the first being when Aunty Chelle visited and Alex headbut/tripped into the corner of the desk leg and ended up with a goose-egg on forehead. And so far one visit to the ER for a fall onto concrete onto her head...and she's a girl and only 2!
1 comment:
Like mother like daughter - you did this when you were a little girl Alyssa. mum
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