Finding a new park in Xiamen
After our abortive first attempt to check out a new park near the train station (remember - when Sebastien headbutted a concrete gutter edge and ended up with a goose egg) we decided the time was ripe to make a second attempt. After all, Sebastien was sporting no visible cuts, abrasions or bruises.

Suitably coiffed for the hot and humid day, we set off. Alex enjoyed the sculpture at the start of the garden - Look at me Mummy! 
The park was very busy with what seemed to be a few tour groups as well.
Sebastien had tried to climb up the stone surrounds of the sculpture with no luck...until a friendly passerby thought he'd help him out.
Only the friendly passer by kept right on going which left a very unaware toddler prancing around on a high stone sculpture - Daddy to the rescue.
We only managed to explore a small section of the park - there were waterfalls 
and caves to climb in. Mummy was a little concerned about the height of this cave -
and more so when she walked around to the other side and saw the sign!
There was the obligatory children's amusement park section which also had several chair, table and umbrella sets out with people enjoying tea the chinese way. Daddy and Mummy both agreed that one day we'd try it too. We kept walking though, trying to see a little more before the humidity killed Mummy. We went up and up - past this cool garden sculpture
that passersby stopped for us to take a photo of - and headed to sounds of music we heard on the wind.
And we came across this huge group of people singing, playing instruments and dancing.
It was very intriguing, and it was mutual. A group of ladies tried to engage us in conversation and were very interested in knowing how old Mummy was. Alex and Sebastien both scored a banana from a lovely lady sitting next to them. There seemed to be a songbook of sorts and various people came up and sang with the microphones.
Also, there were a group behind where I'm standing taking the photos who looked to be checking blood pressure and talking to people. Mummy took a photo of the banner which was over the heads of the crowd. Maybe one day she'll even try to translate it...
We stayed there for a while and then just when we decided it was time to head off for lunch, the group broke up. Daddy and Sebastien headed for home and a sleep, whilst Mummy and Alex headed to the nearby shop for swimmers buying and lunch, then home for a sleep. Mummy took a photo of the park map to remind herself where this all happened and is determined to catch the 508 bus, that seemed to run up and into the park, to explore on another day.
I almost forgot to add - we're now such Xiamen natives that we even saw someone we knew - in a city of over a million of Alex's teachers! Obviously time we left ;)
1 comment:
Wow Lys! Did you do that hair?
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