Leading up to our departure from the States
In between packing up the apartment (and selling furniture whilst our children slept - see another post) and getting our visas organised for China, we were trying to keep Alex and Sebastien's schedules somewhat normal. While saying goodbye to lots of people.
Alex didn't have preschool over the summer - and Mummy now knows to schedule a full day's activities instead of several half days. Instead Alex attended Swingsetters Monday and Wednesday mornings and Art Smart Kids (with Miss Pam - above) Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I've never seen so much art and craft produced! I'll devote a post to that later. Sebastien loved taking Alex to ASK because we actually went into the building (Swingsetters was a drop off and pick up where the staff buckled Alex into the car) - and he really developed a love of the playarea!
We also went to our weekly Econ BBQ at various places around town - a much needed break from all the sorting, selling, packing and dumping.
Mummy even got nature in on the action as we used a handy Orchard Downs tree as an easel for some full-on handpainting. One chinese grandmother from the next building appeared horrified that Alex was using her Petstravaganza t-shirt as a smock (read smearing her paint-loaded hands all over it).
Alex borrowed an abandoned bike and, although the rear tyre inner-tube was completely flat - such that the wheel would spin in the tyre with no traction, she managed quite well thank you - so here she is with the training wheels. Maybe we'll look at getting her something in China.
It was time to introduce Sebastien to the indoor playarea at the Mall - big sister wanted to show how everything is done. Thankfully we picked a time when the larger kids, that aren't meant to be in the playarea, weren't there.

I introduced Alex to the joys of couponing - something that isn't at all widespread in Australia. Check out the size of that smile - and why not, with free nailpolish (except tax) and a free cookie (that she got to choose the design of) from Cookies by Design, she was pretty happy with her day.
She no longer had "excursions" to Victory Park - just across the road from her preschool.

But we did manage to sneak in a few more visits to the Urbana Free Library.
Best of all were the daily (Mon - Thurs) afternoon swimming lessons at the Urbana Indoor Aquatic Center. Alex started in Goldfish, and after four weeks advanced to Sunfish. By the time we left, she was very comfortable floating on her front and back (with help), making icecream scoop hands, and kicking (though the straight legs will come later). I was quite happy with the teacher/child ratio as for two of the seasons she was in a 2:3 group.
We had a lot of support from friends in the lead up to our departure - many offers of playdates and sleepovers plus some much enjoyed meals. Although Alex said "China is a long way away." and "We're going to China - my friends will miss me - they might cry." I don't think she really knew what moving to China entailed. One friend, Emaline, moved to the other side of the States earlier in the year and Alex still asked whether she could come over for a playdate.
Success with our two "garage" sales - Brett worked like a dog to clean the apartment before we left (thanks doesn't cover it) - and we had everything worked out...except how to get from C-U to Chicago...with 7 pieces of luggage, two car seats, a double stroller and eight pieces of hand luggage...
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